Message from the Principal

Dear KES Parents and Community,

Yá’át’ééh shik’éí dóó shidine’é, shí éí  Marcella Clark yinishyé , tl'izilani nishłį́,'ashiihi bashishchiin, hashk'aa hadzohi dashicheii , todich'ii'nii dashinalí. Ákót’éego diné asdzáán nishłį́. Hello, my name is Marcella Clark, Principal at KES. I am thrilled to be here serving my community in this capacity. Our vison for KES is to educate every student to become successful contributors in society through an effective partnership among communities and school. Our goal is to work collaboratively as an educational community to find solutions to create a positive learning environment for our children. Your input is critical; therefore you are most welcome to visit our school and bring your solutions; together we can make KES thrive.


I am beyond honored to serve as the principal at the Kayenta Elementary School, it is truly a privilege to be a part of an educational community where parents/guardians, teachers, and students care for each other and strive to build a positive relationship that supports academic and social growth. Please feel free to contact me at (928)697-2303 or at A'he'hee.

Let’s make this a great year in KES!

Respectfully, Marcella Clark, KES Principal