
Kayenta Unified School District

Student Safety Protocols (COVID-19)

To ensure the safety of all Kayenta Unified School District Students, all students are required to wear a mask; maintain physical distancing of three to six feet; minimize footprints when in district facilities; wash hands and sanitize often; stay home when not feeling well; and contact School of COVID-19 possible exposure or positive cases(Governing Board approved policy).

All KUSD students are responsible for their behavior which directly impacts the safety and well-being of students, staff and family members.

Before leaving for school: Parents/Guardian Responsibility:

Check child/children for symptoms, check temperature, ensure there is no exposure or has been near someone who has tested positive.

If your child/children have any of the symptoms listed below or possibly exposed, please keep your all children home and notify the school.

Symptoms include:

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fever (100 or higher)
  • Chills
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • New loss or distorted sense of taste or smell
  • Congestion/Runny nose
  • Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea
  • Unusual level of fatigue/tiredness (along with other symptom(s))

When a student does not feel well in school:

  • Student will be sent to school isolation room and health technician will assess student health
  • If a student has symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19 the student will be sent home
  • Health technician will contact parent/guardian for pickup
  • Child/children must stay self-isolated until they receive a negative COVID test or resolved symptoms
  • Continue to monitor child/children for symptoms

Sibling(s) of students sent home with symptoms

  • Sibling(s) must have no symptoms to remain in school, household is healthy
  • Parent(s)/Guardian must isolate sick child/children away from others
  • Sibling(s) will only be sent home if a family member tests positive         


Returning to school

  • Previously symptomatic students must have a negative test result and display no symptoms before returning to school.
  • If a student tests positive for COVID-19, they can return to school 5 days after their positive test result or 5 days after their symptoms first started; AND if they have had 24 hours without a fever AND other symptoms are improving. Students may return to school without a doctor’s release.
  • Students must wear masks at all times after returning to school.
  • It is a requirement of KUSD that parents bring their child(ren) to campus when returning to school. Do not send student on the bus with documentation.
  • For additional questions please contact building Principal.