Parent Letter

February 8, 2022


Dear MVHS Parents and Students:

Starting this week, on Thursday, February 10, 2022, KUSD schools will be inviting 100% of the in-person students back into the building every day. MVHS will no longer have the A/B schedule (or 50% daily limit) in the place.

Should a parent request that their child do virtual learning rather than in-person learning, that option is available. Teachers will be teaching to in-person students, and the virtual learning students (through Zoom) during each class period. Virtual students must be seen by their teachers, and in class, on Zoom, the whole period, to be counted as being present in class.

It is strongly recommended that students without internet connectivity be in person for learning.

KUSD will resume in town buses on Thursday, February 10, 2022, as well.

(Note: This announcement does not impact students who are doing PLATO classes through Distance Learning).

Please contact the MVHS offices if you have questions.

@ 928-697-2100 or 928-697-2102


Thank you,

Blane Baker

MVHS Interim Principal